Welcome to the New Frontier

Tony Oso

Welcome to the New Frontier is my comeback song. I took a long break and the main reason why I had taken a long break was I was going through some difficult times with my wife. We both were unhappy with each other but were not communicating. It reached a tipping point where simple things like creating grocery lists and doing laundry were causing

Welcome to the New Frontier is my comeback song. I took a long break and the main reason why I had taken a long break was I was going through some difficult times with my wife. We both were unhappy with each other but were not communicating. It reached a tipping point where simple things like creating grocery lists and doing laundry were causing fights. The song was written as a result of us getting through these difficult times.

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Vault 21

Tony Oso

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Tony Oso recorded the tracks for Vault 21 back in 2021. At the time, he was heavily ridiculed over the strength of this voice. Therefore, Tony set out to improve his vocals and prove his critics wrong. The goal was to re-record this music once Tony achieved his goals with vocal improvement.

Now 2024 has arrived and Tony is now silencing his

Tony Oso recorded the tracks for Vault 21 back in 2021. At the time, he was heavily ridiculed over the strength of this voice. Therefore, Tony set out to improve his vocals and prove his critics wrong. The goal was to re-record this music once Tony achieved his goals with vocal improvement.

Now 2024 has arrived and Tony is now silencing his critics. That being said, Tony is in a much different place in 2024. Instead of re-capturing the emotions from 2021, Tony has decided to release the time capsule and continue writing new material.

These tracks feel like a greatest hits compilation to Tony and wants to share these with the world as he gets back into the swing of things!

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Not Open Late

Tony Oso

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"Not Open Late" is a song about an experience of mine with a girl that I was really into, but she would not give me the time of day unless she was drunk, or it was late at night and she was looking for an easy hook up. This song is my reaction to her behavior. I want this song to be a lesson to everyone since it is not fair to treat someone they

"Not Open Late" is a song about an experience of mine with a girl that I was really into, but she would not give me the time of day unless she was drunk, or it was late at night and she was looking for an easy hook up. This song is my reaction to her behavior. I want this song to be a lesson to everyone since it is not fair to treat someone they way I was treated. You just can't hold someone's feelings in limbo. People aren't puppets, so we shouldn't be treated that way!

Not Open Late merges many genres: florida pop rock, florida indie rock, grunge florida, post grunge, post-grunge, permanent wave, modern rock, alternative to modern rock, dance punk, punk goes pop, skate punk, dance punk, indie pop, modern power pop, new rave, noise rock.

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Going Down

Tony Oso

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"Going Down" is about the many people I have witnessed getting heavily into drugs (pre-addiction stage) where their lives were heading down a dark path. This is my message to all of them to look in the mirror and turn themselves around before it is too late. Nothing good comes from them and they just aren't worth it in the first place!

Going Down

"Going Down" is about the many people I have witnessed getting heavily into drugs (pre-addiction stage) where their lives were heading down a dark path. This is my message to all of them to look in the mirror and turn themselves around before it is too late. Nothing good comes from them and they just aren't worth it in the first place!

Going Down merges many genres: florida pop rock, florida indie rock, grunge florida, post grunge, post-grunge, permanent wave, modern rock, alternative to modern rock, dance punk, punk goes pop, skate punk, dance punk, indie pop, modern power pop, new rave, noise rock.

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Tucked Away

Tony Oso

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"Tucked Away" is a song about my love for nature. When things aren't going well in life, I just need to escape from it all. There is nothing more therapeutic for me than to get lost in the middle of a trail with only fresh air to surround me. I believe more people should get out and see the beauty this world has to offer, especially when they are

"Tucked Away" is a song about my love for nature. When things aren't going well in life, I just need to escape from it all. There is nothing more therapeutic for me than to get lost in the middle of a trail with only fresh air to surround me. I believe more people should get out and see the beauty this world has to offer, especially when they are at a down moment!

Tucked Away merges many genres: ska, florida pop rock, florida indie rock, grunge florida, post grunge, post-grunge, permanent wave, modern rock, alternative to modern rock, dance punk, punk goes pop, skate punk, dance punk, indie pop, modern power pop, new rave, noise rock.

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Without You

Tony Oso

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"Without You" is a song about the moment I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with the woman who is now my wife. Before meeting my wife, I had other relationships and I remember asking myself "Is this Love?" and "How do I know this is the one?" Those questions became clear when my feelings about my wife made it so that I didn't

"Without You" is a song about the moment I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with the woman who is now my wife. Before meeting my wife, I had other relationships and I remember asking myself "Is this Love?" and "How do I know this is the one?" Those questions became clear when my feelings about my wife made it so that I didn't want to spend another minute without her as she was the person I needed to tackle the rest of life together. This partnership we have is a driving force for me and my music and without her, I wouldn't be sharing my music now to the world. This song is a thank you note and love letter to her!

Tucked Away merges many genres: ska, florida pop rock, florida indie rock, grunge florida, post grunge, post-grunge, permanent wave, modern rock, alternative to modern rock, dance punk, punk goes pop, skate punk, dance punk, indie pop, modern power pop, new rave, noise rock.

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One I'm Waiting For

Tony Oso

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"One I'm Waiting For" is a song about a person that was dear to me that I lost in my life. This song showcases my emotions of hope and anticipation that I would see this person again, but that day would never come. Do you have someone that you miss dearly and would like that second chance with them?

One I'm Waiting For merges many genres: florida

"One I'm Waiting For" is a song about a person that was dear to me that I lost in my life. This song showcases my emotions of hope and anticipation that I would see this person again, but that day would never come. Do you have someone that you miss dearly and would like that second chance with them?

One I'm Waiting For merges many genres: florida pop rock, florida indie rock, grunge florida, post grunge, post-grunge, permanent wave, modern rock, alternative to modern rock, indie pop, modern power pop, new rave, noise rock.

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Tell Your Friends

Tony Oso

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"Tell Your Friends" is about realizing the negative people around you in your life and distancing yourself from them. They always say you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with. I have seen good people start to change and lead a dark path just because of the friends they kept, where they wanted to "be cool" or fit in.

"Tell Your Friends" is about realizing the negative people around you in your life and distancing yourself from them. They always say you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with. I have seen good people start to change and lead a dark path just because of the friends they kept, where they wanted to "be cool" or fit in. Be you! Real friends will respect the way you are!

Tell Your Friends merges many genres: florida pop rock, florida indie rock, grunge florida, post grunge, post-grunge, permanent wave, modern rock, alternative to modern rock, dance punk, punk goes pop, skate punk, dance punk, indie pop, modern power pop, new rave, noise rock.

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No Way

Tony Oso

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"No Way" is a song about recognizing the signs earlier in a relationship that it just isn't going to work out and amiably breaking ties before someone gets hurt. I've seen some bad break ups from relationships both sides knew weren't working, yet they kept hanging on, making both sides miserable. From my experience, there are two big signs: First,

"No Way" is a song about recognizing the signs earlier in a relationship that it just isn't going to work out and amiably breaking ties before someone gets hurt. I've seen some bad break ups from relationships both sides knew weren't working, yet they kept hanging on, making both sides miserable. From my experience, there are two big signs: First, the two partners are too similar in personality causing persistent arguments. The other is the partners have absolutely nothing in common. They say opposites attract, but you have to share some interests!

No Way merges many genres: florida pop rock, florida indie rock, grunge florida, post grunge, post-grunge, permanent wave, modern rock, alternative to modern rock, dance punk, punk goes pop, skate punk, dance punk, indie pop, modern power pop, new rave, noise rock.

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