Vault 21

Tony Oso

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Vault 21

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Tony Oso recorded the tracks for Vault 21 back in 2021. At the time, he was heavily ridiculed over the strength of this voice. Therefore, Tony set out to improve his vocals and prove his critics wrong. The goal was to re-record this music once Tony achieved his goals with vocal improvement.

Now 2024 has arrived and Tony is now silencing his

Tony Oso recorded the tracks for Vault 21 back in 2021. At the time, he was heavily ridiculed over the strength of this voice. Therefore, Tony set out to improve his vocals and prove his critics wrong. The goal was to re-record this music once Tony achieved his goals with vocal improvement.

Now 2024 has arrived and Tony is now silencing his critics. That being said, Tony is in a much different place in 2024. Instead of re-capturing the emotions from 2021, Tony has decided to release the time capsule and continue writing new material.

These tracks feel like a greatest hits compilation to Tony and wants to share these with the world as he gets back into the swing of things!

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    You're No Good Anymore

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    Free 3:38
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    Where Did You Go

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    Your Runaway

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    Mess 3:09
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